Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In 2011, U.S. Government-led Wildlife Conservation Will Suffer Largely- Please Help Stop This

The natural welfare of Earth is in dire shape, and the planet needs human intervention  more than ever, instead of the ongoing human mutilation. The under-represented voice of wildlife conservation advocates such as myself must be heard, and the current deplorable ecological preservation is a crucial threat to the prosperity of Earth and we, as human beings, are actively destroying the astounding beauty found within  the natural world.  I implore you to help counteract this tragedy. 

In 2011 Republicans have estimated the party will slash billions in federal funding towards wildlife conservation programs. Please contact your political representatives and urge them to support wildlife conservation; furthermore, encourage your congressional and state representatives to draft powerful legislation that gives incentives to people who and company's that commit to wildlife preservation. As with most pressing issues, the first step is raising awareness. Even something simple such as using the pre-created support letters at to take action against the ongoing global horrors will make a difference. If nothing else, forward my letter to your e-mail contacts; create an annoying chain letter. Eventually someone will read it and choose to create a difference. I'm not trying to clog anyone's e-mail inbox; simply attempting to use a digital tool to raise awareness to an issue I find valuable. 

Illegal animal trade, big business interests, and sheer ignorance have plagued this nation, and our planet for far too long. I have attached two hyperlinks below describing different ongoing environment dangers on international and localized levels. The first to a video that illuminates one of the greatest environmental threats to society today, it was created by Photojournalist Patrick Brown; the second link is to a news article written by myself that discusses the need for greater conservation efforts- for although wildlife preservation is actively taking place, an estimated one-fifth of vertebrates are continually heading towards extinction.

I ask of you to please heed my words and take my message to heart. The essence of life, as mankind currently experiences it, is not an eternal value. Why should the often disgraceful self-interest of human beings be achieved at the cost of an animal’s expense?
 As a fellow global citizen, I hope you will help end wildlife genocide.

Thank you for a moment of your valuable time. I earnestly hope you make the correct choice by raising awareness and help create a beautiful future. 

Travis McKnight

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Ignorance of Failure

Success is a non-existent and unattainable measurement of experience without the alternative consequence of failure. Every choice an individual acts upon has two opportunities, the triumphant outcome he or she desires or less sought after conclusion of defeat. Reflecting upon my introduction into the public school system in 1995, to my current sophomore year at Arizona State University, I recognize a worrisome conclusion that public education in the United States of America has raised a generation of un-acknowledging failures.
The K-12 education system in the United States has transformed from delivering an actual education, to being a government mandated baby-sitting service. No longer is the average student sophisticated enough to properly function in society once he or she graduates from high school- if the student graduates at all. According to a report by the Alliance for Excellent Education, as of February 2009, 1.2 million American students annually drop out of high school. But why wouldn’t they? These students are raised in a society that propagandizes the perception that failure doesn’t exist. Throughout their grade school career students are encouraged to be creative and expressive individuals. Mathematical command and the basics of comprehensive writing and reading appear to barely qualify as educational endeavors; in consequence, schools inadvertently deprive students of societal success and prepare only a future of failure.
In the YouTube video featuring Mr. Michael Goodwin, “Goodwin on the Freedom to Fail,” the speaker raises several vitally important points discussing the real threat for American students, who he claim lack freedom to fail. While I feel Mr. Goodwin’s argument has multiple valid topics, his presumption that students lack the freedom to fail is erroneous. The prevalence of failure and success in a person’s daily routine is astounding; everyone fails, it’s an unavoidable consequence of choice and the American education system is simply manipulating students into ignorant fools by sheltering them from this reality.
Throughout my experience in the United States’ K-12 public education system instructors  attempted to weave an idyllic utopia in which everyone, regardless of effort put forth, is successful; alas, once one leaves the protective womb of high school this fantasy quickly diminishes. When students discover the failure they are already taking part of daily is an all too real event, societies’ “system” has already beaten them. The American public school system needs to be reformed, otherwise the poorly educated citizens of the country will crumble into oblivion. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Souls of Darkness-Reworking Part of the First Chapter.

--- The content hereafter is the exclusive intellectual property of the author, Travis McKnight; with the exception of any posted artwork, which is property of Clint McKnight. No portion of the forthcoming tale or illustrations may be reproduced, in any form, without the written consent of the author. ---


My story begins like many others, on a cold and stormy April morning. I recently returned home from a lecture, where I presented a newly unearthed collection of poetry belonging to Paul Cézanne, and now stand at my study window. Darkness settles into the chilled morning sky as impenetrable clouds drift in front of the full moon, blotting out its majestic white light. Soon flashes of lighting and bellows of thunder commence. Deafening whispers of wind rip through the tendril-like  leaves of my yard’s willow trees; morsels of green life wither away at the wind’s icy touch.
Figuring it’s time to lock-up the house, I turn from the window and exit the study. Walking gingerly down the small flight of redwood stairs, I descend into the parlor. Even though I attempt to be quiet, each footstep creates a sickeningly audible smack against the wood. At the base I stroll across a crimson shag carpet; its hairy tendrils tickle the soles of my naked feet. A lamp emanates dim light throughout the room causing a personally excavated Egyptian vase to glisten. Arriving at my destination I twist the sterling silver deadbolt door lock to the left to secure my estate.
Daring to take a glance at my pocket watch, its analog face designates the time 3:10. Turning to the left I push black velvet drapes aside, unlock the window latch, shove the cold glass panes open, and stick my head out into the chilly early morning air. A thin seam of silver moonlight filters through the dense cloud cover. The storm’s preface appears to be at its climax. Soon the weather’s restraint will shatter and its unbridled wrath will be released upon anything that crosses the storm’s path.
Averting my eyes ahead I notice a narrow white beam of light penetrating through the icy darkness at ground level. As the bobbing light approaches, I am barely able take notice of the repetitive sound of loud curses being uttered in a thick Irish accent. Straining to spot who was mentally unstable enough to venture out into the brewing storm, I hear the muffled sounds of barking and a petite shadowy figure blazing an eager path in front of the bouncing light.
Disbelievingly shaking my head, I shout into the dank weather at my crazy neighbor. A gust of wind seizes the heartfelt greeting and swiftly turns it into an inaudible yelp. The Irishman glances in the foreign noise’s direction and then smiles as his dilated eyes finally settle on my broad grin. Struggling against the ferocious wind, the shivering figure of Owen Finnegan appears before my eyes. A thin layer of scarlet hair peeks out underneath a beaten wool knit cap. The burly 5’3” man is wrapped from head to toe in heavy grey wool clothes. His face is drained of its normal rosy hue looking as if he had been out in a subarctic gale, instead of just a rather brash Oregon storm.
Yelling what I can only assume was “Morning Dirk,” Owen finally reaches my open windowsill. His vivid emerald eyes twinkle with distress. Dark crescent shaped circles tattoo their undersides, alluding to a sleepless week. We shake hands as flashes of lightning sizzle through the air, giving the appearance of generals meeting behind the scenes during a World War II air-raid. A tremendous boom of thunder shakes my house- causing ancient paintings to rattle along the white walls. After reassuring myself nothing was going to take a plunge off towards destruction, I address my neighbor.
“Ejected by the Mrs. approximately 17 minutes ago in respect to a dispute concerning fiscal independence from your bookie, which you now have hounding you due to recent unemployment, I perceive,” I quip.
Owens scrawny excuse for a dog, which I can only accurately described as a labradoodle, began to relive itself on my grass as the man answered.
“How on earth could you possibly deduce that?” he asked flabbergasted.
“Never mind it,” I chuckled.
“You’ve always been a queer one Dirk. While Marty and I are here do you mind if we come in for a couple of shots of that English whiskey you’ve got stashed inside of the liquor cabinet? I need something to take my mind off of this financial extravaganza.”
As almost in agreement the small mutt barked and nodded its shaved head.
A strong blast of frigid air saps away his warmth and Owens chest begins heaving with every breath. With nubby pale fingers he fumbles with his Maglite until I respond.
“Your presence would impose a detriment to my studies tonight, Owen. I understand you’re in despair, but I am unable to house you. You have a home and a wife to return to; I suggest you do just that.”
“Not for much longer…” Owen muttered.
Staring at him blankly, I emphasize that he must return home. After a few excruciatingly long seconds of Owen returning my stare, rather blankly, I inform him that I must retreat up to my study to continue a current project.
“Ah right, it’s always work with you.” 
Owen’s expression hardens and his once stunning eyes glaze over in a defeated haze. Bidding my neighbor farewell I watch as the man slumps away, with his head drooped and shoulders flaccid. The flashlight beam bounces up and down with each of Owen’s heavy footsteps. Soon he and his insufferable dog turn the corner and disappear from sight.
Withdrawing back into the comfort of my warm home, I shut the window, turn off the lamp, and nonchalantly migrate back upstairs to my study. Bookcases filled to the brim with a libraries’ variety of literature and topography collections line the walls. Coffee tables imported from many foreign countries litter the floor; on each of them lay an artifact from one of my many excavations. My eyes finally rest upon the smooth manzanita desk standing in the middle of the room. Laying upon its glassy surface is an ivory lamp and an unorganized scatter of books and papers. Yet through all of this jumbled mess my eyes only noticed one item.
Worn throughout the ages, it is still able to retain a dark color; a shade so sinister that the darkest regions of space appeared to be brighter than heavenly clouds in comparison. Along its old leathery cover, ancient druidic runes skittered from left to right. The symbols created a pentagram if looked at from a 45º angle. The binding was bound together, by what appears to be bones of an infant.  An aura of pure evil loomed menacingly around the item. Simply approaching it makes hair on the back of my neck tingle and stand on end. Adding to my unstable nerves is how the item came into my possession. Two days ago, a plain brown package was left on my doorstep; the only marking was this letter.
Dear Dr. Devlin,
If you have received this parcel, that means I have failed to unlock its power. The unimaginable horrors withheld inside its cover was too much for my mind to comprehend. You were the only suitable option of who may be able to learn the books secrets, and correctly use them. I inform you that the following item on your doorstep is dangerous. Please be careful, if this book were to fall into the wrong hands, the impending disasters would be unfathomable.
“It appears I may as well examine this to see if the anonymous sender’s claims are true.” I mutter aloud.
Moving to my oversized leather office chair, I slide inside and slowly begin to relax in its comforting embrace. Mentally preparing myself for whatever atrocities the sender of the tome mentioned, I cautiously move to grab the artifact off my desk.   
As if on cue lightning and thunder crackle above me; rain pounds on the windows so vigorously that it sounds as if the glass may shatter. Nervousness floods my spine, causing waves of shivers to roll through my body. My hand trembling, I pick up the item.                                     
Opening the book I turn to the front page. An eerie amount of dust floats away as I lift the cover. Some of it gathers in my eyes and I shut them quickly. I begin to hold my breath and the beating of my heart hastens. My entire body begins to tremble and goose bumps flourish over its surface. Simultaneously exhaling I rapidly open my eyes and they rest upon the book’s cover page. Unbelievable, it was blank! Why would these pages be blank? Flipping through the 83 pages I discover that the inside of the whole diary was blank, not a single mark anywhere. What type of prank is this? Perhaps there something I’m missing.
Extracting a magnifying lens from my middle-most desk drawer, I return to the item’s cover page. Under magnification and amplified light, faint traces of scratch indentations are apparent. Grabbing a small vial of iodine and a petri-dish from the desk’s upper right drawer, I pour out a small amount of the concentrated liquid into the saucer. Dipping my finger into the solution, I gently rub the book’s indented scratch marks. No reaction occurs.
Retracting my legs and arms into my chest, I place my hands together, fingertips skyward, and rest them upon my knees. Drumming my fingers together I close my eyes and reflect upon what other methods can be used to illuminate the book’s hidden lettering. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Metaphysics of the Soul

There are many reasons to raise difficult questions. Whether the inquires are about sentient existence, the universe, and origins of life, or God, death, and the after-life, questions will and should surface. By questioning human existence and surroundings we allow ourselves to become vastly more intelligent and earnestly attempt to solve some of the deeply rooted philosophical issues all humans contemplate, such as the aforementioned. Today I will address my own beliefs -what I have amounted thus far in my quest- about the metaphysical qualities pertaining to the soul. 

First off, what is this ‘soul’ and what characteristics does it acquire? 
Through meditation and some knowledge of eastern and western philosophy, I have come to my conclusion in regards to this query. I believe the soul is: a combination of infinite spiritual energy that emanates throughout the physical memory of a sentient host and strives to achieve that being's intrinsic aspiration of happiness. Unless you have studied some amount philosophy and modern physics, I suspect that definition may have been a little too much to handle; in consequence, to understand this explanation, it is crucial to comprehend the individual aspects of it.   

I shall start with energy, as it is the ultimate element permeating throughout the universe. Every single spiritual and physical molecule in the universe is pure energy in its basic form. According to quantum mechanics, energy is the amino acid of all elements; it cannot be created or destroyed, only reused and harnessed. Consequently, because the soul is energy, it must be infinite as well. The borrowed Greek term, Monad, is used by philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, and chiefly describes the ‘energy’ I am discussing. Leibniz states that one simple element is the build of the universe and creates a three-tiered hierarchy of entelechies, souls, and spirits. Another philosopher, Lady Anne Finch, also uses the term ‘Monad’ in regards to the basic element, in her case God, which is the building block of the universe. I too shall borrow the Greek term for my metaphysical purposes; although, my definition will be different from Leibniz’s and Conway’s for I do not concern the Divine within the energy. This being said, there are two different “types” of Monads; some are spiritual and become harnessed in the creation of sentient beings, and the other energy is used to create physical bodies. My definition for spiritual Monads is not the nature of the divine; however, a spiritual Monad is any element or physical being which is alive or creates life- thus the spiritual energy is exclusive to all forms of life. As for physical Monads, this form fabricates structures and substances with the purpose of supporting spiritual beings. Due to the limits of these individual roles, Monads may combine to serve purposes that a singular type of energy may not be able to fulfill. Such combination between spiritual and physical energy is the formation of terrestrial planets such as Earth-physical bodies that are not necessarily alive, yet harness factors such as regeneration in order to harbor life and allow for its creation.  

The physical memory refers to the physical body of a sentient being. Through the body every experience a being encounters is saved through what I call physical memory. Be it a human or animal biological system- bones, skin, organs, blood, and other elements- a tree’s branches and trunk, grass blades, an orange’s peel, and the list continues, this physical memory affects them all. In the case of humans and animals, when the skin or hair contacts any surface, or the organism breaths, a transfer of energy is completed and a permanent effect is rendered upon that life form. This effect is infinitely accumulated throughout that creature’s body, and in turn, its’ spiritual Monads. Since energy is an infinite substance, when an organism “dies,” or ceases to exist in its current state of being, the body will decompose until it is returned to the basic form of pure energy and then it is reused in the fabrication of some other form; thus a state of atomist reincarnation. Along this fathomless journey, the amassed memories will remain within the spiritual Monad and when a new form is created, the memories partake in forming the creation. It is through this theory that the idea of the universe being in everything, and everything is within in the universe gains solidified ground to stand upon.

There are many spiritual and physical levels of consciousness that sentient beings are attracted to; nonetheless, only one of these is intrinsically desired and pursued by all conscious bodies. From plants and animals, to humans and bacteria, the universal goal of happiness is present for it is the ultimate ambition of every living being, and is the intrinsic will behind all action. I define happiness as: the enlightened fulfillment of any physical or spiritual desire. This desire accounts for every activity a conscious life form partakes in. From listening to music, to physical nourishment, even negative procedures such as murdering a stranger, all action done by a conscious being is done to make one happy. If this concept is difficult to grasp perhaps Socrates will illuminate the darkness in your mind. Socrates would argue no one knowingly and deliberately does evil; meaning if one’s actions are intended to create happiness for the self, then in the moment of action, regardless of what the proceedings may be, to the individual his or her action is righteous as it brings that person happiness. If happiness is the will behind all action and the soul’s ambition is to achieve this enlightened state, where does happiness originate?

Through the soul’s physical memory, the knowledge of happiness is present prior to the spiritual being’s involvement. When spiritual Monads combine to create a life form, the intrinsic happiness which will drive that organism is already programmed into the being. In consequence, every form of happiness a being is able to experience is predetermined at conception. It is because of this predetermined aspect of the soul ultimate free will is eliminated. By ultimate free will I am discussing the idea that a being is free to choose to enact whatever action he or she wishes at any time, regardless of the consequences or motivation behind said action. Perhaps further along in my quest of life I will discover a new definition that leaves the proponent of free will intact; alas as for now the findings of the soul presented to me during mediation do not allow for the ultimate state of free will.

This is an incomplete definition of the soul. As my ideas stand right now, they are highly controversial since I place the soul into a physical category, and paradoxes are created. I am striving to obtain a clearer and more concise definition; for now however, this is what I have. It is only the beginning; there is an abundance of meaningful questions and answers on the way. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

The "I am," an improperly used description of a human life.

How often does someone say "I am" in reference to their occupation, activities and values?
This is a virtually daily phenomenon in which humans describe themselves to others. 
In example, with my case it would be "I am a journalist and a student," however, does that actually represent who I am, or just what I do with my life?  The correct answer is what I, and the rest of us do with our lives, for who we are is far more intricately complex than our environmental surroundings and involvements. If these exercises and values do not describe who we are, but what our lives involve; why does virtually every person I have encountered upon my journey characterize who he or she is by announcing what that person does along their path between life and death? 

The obvious answer is social conditioning, especially here in the United States. The advertising media  and government portrays what a person does with his or her life as who he or she is; the more noble the profession, activity or belief, the nobler and more valued said person is. Yet is it ethical or even wise to allow an advertisement or public figurehead to describe who one is? Granted, I don't believe individuals truly believe that his or her "I am" characterization's truly describe who that person is; however, this occurrence is one to be aware of as words hold unfathomable power- especially during the first encounter with another person, for first impressions matter to a great extent. 

I am guilty of describing myself to strangers as "a journalist, or a rock climber," and so forth; nonetheless, I am attempting to stray away from this path and enlighten the descriptions I give myself to others in hopes that those others will follow and create a different path for themselves. Through this role of characterizing who one is through his or her activities, instead of said individual's life experiences, personality, ethics, and intrinsic desires, it's plausible that one could lose sight of who he or she truly is. Yet if one instills the idea that what he or she does or embodies is only part of their life, it will make a superior impression upon any newcomer in your journey. This is especially crucial in interviews, dates, and introductions as it demonstrates that you're not a simple minded being who doesn't truly know themselves- or the world they live in, but has an in-depth comprehension of what makes them and others "tick." 

 It may sound weird at first to announce, "my occupation is a journalist," to those who ask what I do or who I am, but that's the truth. Who I am is not solely a journalist. I am who I am, and a journalist or hiker are only minute aspects of my being. 

So next time you're describing yourself, take a deep breath in order to pause and think about your answer. Is what you're about to announce truly characterize who you are? Or does it only inform of one aspect in your being? Think about it and tell the truth. For even if you think it doesn't matter, what we say has a magnificent impact upon everyone's life.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5/11/2010-The last day of my freshman year in college.

I finally finished off my first complete year of college. I'm pretty pleased for several reasons. First, I'm the first person to accomplish such a feat within my mothers family, second, I've found my niche of a career in journalism and hold a bright future within the field, and lastly because I managed to do this mostly on my own. Granted, I had help with finances from my mother and without her help I wouldn't have even gotten past the first semester; yet the work and multiple essays and hours of work a week were solely my accomplishment. 

As for the next three years, I am looking forward to attending ASU in the fall until I earn my Bachelors Degree in 2013, but I'm nervous at the same time. I've never lived in such a large metropolis as Phoenix and the change will be rather drastic. The traffic is another issue I'm concerned about as I'm not a strong driver and am not used to the bustling traffic of insane drivers. It will be an interesting challenge, but as I see it, every challenge is an opportunity. 

Well that is it for today. 


A lone blade of grass stood defiantly against the ensuing tempest,

Wisps of green defiance are slowly peeled away by the blades unpleasant guest,

Soon nothing remains but a detestable shallow stalk,

Grey and barren it no longer stood pretentious and rebellious, but humble and subordinate,

The deafening gale easily lifted the blade of grass from it's rooted home in the filthy dirt road,

To tear this wretched soul apart was the storms goal,

Ferocious lies of hope and wishes shred the blade until it explodes and rains down upon the world,

Unable to look beyond troubled times the grass lost it's defiant nature in the battle for life,

Chasing the day it would regain it's boisterous self,

The tempest continues to tear across the unearthly plains of the abyss,

Destroying every lone soul in it's path,

The gale only fuels its unbridled wrath,

Left to rot in the settling dust,

Disfigured and distraught in the aftermath of that ever powerful gust,

The shattered grey blade of grass regained it's hope,

Then passed from this life to the next,

As it's seeds defiantly began to grow.


The shimmer of white light dances across the glassy water,

Cracked cobblestones and weeds grow throughout,

My pieces
Have vanished
They've gone

The Family: a Puppet Master of Religious Politics

“It's the ideology of the cancer cell, undifferentiated growth, power for power's sake.”

These are the words of Journalist Jeff Sharlet in regards to the secretive Christian Fundamentalist international ministry known as The Fellowship Foundation; or better known as “The Family” through Sharlet’s book, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, in which he uncloaks the group from the inside.

The organization has also been known as: International Christian Leadership, The International Foundation, Fellowship House, and A Family of Friends in Christ.
Origins of the Family

The Family was founded in 1935 by Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister Abraham Vereide. Sharlet states that Vereide initiated the organization in order to oppose President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's “New Deal” and the spread of trade unions by promoting those in power through the name of Jesus.

According to Sharlet, Vereide believed that God came to him and reveals that all economic suffering is punishment for disobedience of God’s laws. God gives Vereide a second revelation saying that Christianity has been getting it wrong for 2,000 years. At its best it talks about the poor, the weak, the suffering and the down and out. “He believes that god tells him, using these words, ‘Abraham your mission is to serve the up and out. Those who are already powerful and if you can get their hearts rights with God, then they with their positions God has given to them will dispense blessings to those underneath them.’”

Sharlet states the group’s only publically known event is the annual National Prayer Breakfast which draws around 3,000 dignitaries representing scores of nations and corporate interests. Every United States President since Dwight D. Eisenhower has attended. Sharlet says that since 2002, participants have paid $425 each to attend, which allows the Family to make a profit of over $47,000.

According to Collection 459 in the Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College, the following are some of the high end American political members of the Family:

Former President Jimmy Carter, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, Sen. John Ensign, Gov. Mark Sanford, Sen. Mark Pryor, Rep. Randy Forbes, Sam Irvin, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, former Ambassador Tony P. Hall, Sen. Jim DeMint, Rep. Bart Stupak, Rep. Joe Pitts, former President Ronald Regan, former Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, former President Franklin Roosevelt, former President John F. Kennedy, former Sen. Ted Kennedy, former Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury and Reagan Chief of Staff James A. Baker III, and Sen. Sam Brownback
President Obama, Uganda and the 2010 Prayer Breakfast

In a video posted by President Barack Obama is shown delivering a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast on Feb.4, in which he addresses a proposed Ugandan law that would make homosexuality a capital offense, punishable by death; a proposition the Family is allegedly supporting in hopes of making law.

The allegations come from a National Public Radio interview with Sharlet in which he accused Fellowship associates, Ugandan Legislators David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, of initiating the recent Ugandan bill.

Addressing the proposed bill, Obama stated, “we may disagree about gay marriage, but surely we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are. Whether it’s here in the United States or…more extremely in odious laws that are being proposed most recently in Uganda.”

However, some believe Obama isn’t doing enough to combat the proposed law in Uganda and the power of groups such as the Family. One such person is Author of Patience with God, Frank Schaeffer.
In an interview with Schaeffer states, “when the Family…organizes the National Prayer Breakfast it really ought to raise eyebrows in the least; especially now since the Family is so closely associated with this anti-gay legislation in Uganda which would seek the death penalty of gays.”

Schaeffer states that on Feb. 2, 2010, he met with “a number of religious leaders” in Washington D.C. to urge Obama to boycott the National Prayer Breakfast and to “name the Family and ask Doug Coe why he had not spoken up against this legislation and used his considerable international, behind the scenes, some would say nefarious power to do something about this.” He also stated that Obama needs to denounce and expose “these far right groups which are waiting in the wings to turn both this country and countries around the world into a theocracy.”
What is the Family?

According to The Fellowship Foundation’s 501(c)(3) mission statement, they strive “to develop and maintain an informal association of people banded together, to go out as ‘ambassadors of reconciliation,’ modeling the principles of Jesus, based on loving God and loving others. To work with the leaders of other nations, and as their hearts are touched, the poor, the oppressed, the widows and the youth of their country will be impacted in a positive manner. It is said that youth groups will be developed under the thoughts of Jesus, including loving others as you want to be loved.”

In an email from Sharlet he disagreed with the organization’s statement claiming that what they truly promote is “Jesus plus nothing; that is, really Jesus plus everything. Everything gets filtered through Jesus. They want the ‘totalitarianism of Christ,’ where 200 world leaders are bound together through their organization seeking stability not democracy, peace, not freedom.”

“I find the critique of the Rev. Rob Schenck, himself a fundamentalist activist, persuasive: he calls it a religion of the status quo. That is, it's a religion dedicated to the maintenance of things as they are. They contribute to stasis of inequality, the repression of democracy, the celebration of the elite,” Sharlet states in the email.

Rev. Robert Schenck is the founder of the Washington, D.C. ministry, Faith and Action in the Nation’s Capital; a Christian outreach organization that reaches top-level government officials located in Washington, DC, throughout the United States and around the world.

In agreement with Sharlet is former University of California, Berkeley, Philosophy Professor and Author Dr. Michael Bradburn-Ruster, who states, “[the Family] is a complete absurdity of corrupt politics and complete blasphemy of Christianity… it’s a diabolical amalgam between Fundamentalism and Machiavellian politics. I don’t know how much more toxic you can get.”

According to Bradburn-Ruster, the Family is the combination of a long history of American imperialism and exceptionalism. He says that the organization’s real concerns are always power and money and what the Family indicates is how deeply and secretively this pattern is continuing.
There are few who are willing to publicly speak about and support the Family. Those who do so, however, are members of the organization.

According to the Newsweek article, “House of Worship,” by Lisa Miller, David Kuo, a staffer in President George W. Bush's Office of Faith Based Initiatives, who has been affiliated with The Fellowship since college disagrees with Sharlet’s discoveries.

“For all the hysteria about Christian organizations, the irony that The Fellowship is being targeted as a bad egg is jaw-dropping. This is so not Focus on the Family, this is so not the Christian Coalition. There are other Christian groups that are truly insane. Who purport to follow Jesus Christ and who I would submit do not. The Fellowship is a loosely banded group of people who have an affinity for Jesus,” Kuo stated.

The Newsweek article states that Fellowship member and former U.S. Representative Tony Hall is another Family supporter. Hall states that the fellowship is “men and women who are trying to get right with God. Trying to follow God, learn how to love him, and learn how to love each other." When the congressman’s son died from leukemia, he states that "this family helped me. This family was there for me. That's what they do."

Nonetheless, there are more who support Sharlet’s discoveries than Kou and Hall’s refutation, such as Presbyterian Minister Ben Daniel, who himself is a former Family member.

In the article, “Doug Coe, The Fellowship, Hillary Clinton and Why You Should Care” by Daniel, he states, “it is an organization with eccentric beliefs—any group that tolerates the use of Nazis as positive role models should raise eyebrows—but it’s not just inappropriate heroes that are a problem. In my own personal experience as a former member of the Fellowship and through my research into the Fellowship’s work I have found strong evidence that the Fellowship can be spiritually abusive, particularly toward the young people who pay for the privilege of working long hours at retreat centers run by the Fellowship in and around Washington D. C.”

Daniel writes in the article that “life among the young people who live in the Fellowship’s homes is spiritually, emotionally, and physically regimented in ways that are cult-like in their intensity. Absolute commitment is required. In all things members are obliged to subject themselves to the will of the group, becoming empty vessels ready to be filled with Jesus and a vaguely articulated Fellowship vision.”
A Secret Society

Another principle Sharlet and Daniel expand upon is that secrecy and transparency is promoted throughout the entire organization.

“They are notoriously secretive. In fact they jokingly call themselves The Christian Mafia,” Sharlet states.

In his book Sharlet discusses a member of the Family's inner circle who wrote to the group's chief South
African operative “The Movement, is simply inexplicable to people who are not intimately acquainted with it. The Family's "political" initiatives have always been misunderstood by outsiders. As a result of very bitter experiences, therefore, we have learned never to commit to paper any discussions or negotiations that are taking place. There is no such thing as a confidential memorandum, and leakage always seems to occur.”

Prominent political figures have insisted that confidentiality and privacy are essential to the Fellowship's operation. In 1985, United States President Ronald Reagan addressed the issue of the Fellowship stating, "I wish I could say more about it, but it's working precisely because it is private."

In 2009, Reverend Chris Halverson, said that a culture of pastoral confidentiality is essential to the ministry, “If you talked about it, you would destroy that fellowship.”

Members of the Family are instructed to pursue “political jujitsu” by making use of secular leaders "in the work of advancing His kingdom," and to avoid whenever possible the label Christian itself, lest they alert enemies to that advance, Sharlet writes in “The Family”.

One way this group keeps its secrecy is through the use of “Prayer Cells” in which high ranking political officials gather under the name of Jesus.

“The Family's use of the term "cell" long predates the word's current association with terrorism. Its roots are in the Cold War, when leaders of the Family deliberately emulated the organizing techniques of communism,” Sharlet wrote.

Sharlet states that the reason the Family operates primarily out of “cells” is they believe “democracy inadequate to the fight against godlessness.” The organization promotes that such cells should function to produce political "atomic energy," which creates deals and alliances that “could not be achieved through the clumsy machinations of legislative debate [and] would instead radiate quietly out of political cells that will appear to the world to be unrelated to any centralized organization.”

Discussing the after affects of the Family’s cells, Sharlet wrote in an email, “they've poisoned the [political] well for a lot of people through what I'd argue is their dishonesty. It's one thing to make a religio-political case in the public square, where people can agree or disagree. It's another to work behind-the-scenes, leaving people with a sense that they've been excluded from the main action, that democracy is a privilege, not a right.”

The Fellowship maintains a database of associates and members; but it issues no cards, collects no official dues and members are asked not to speak about the group or its activities.

In a 2002 article on the Family by the Los Angeles Times, it is stated that the group’s members share a vow of silence about Fellowship activities. Members cite biblical warnings against public displays of good works, insisting they would not be able to tackle their diplomatically sensitive missions if they drew public attention. Members, including congressmen, invoke this secrecy rule when refusing to discuss just about every aspect of the Fellowship and their involvement in it.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Jennifer Thornett, a Fellowship employee, went so far as to state that "there is no such thing as the Fellowship."

Daniel reports that “questions also are being raised about the Fellowship’s honesty. The Fellowship Foundation is registered as a public charity in IRS Publication 78. According to a September 2002 article in the Los Angeles Times, they have a large annual budget, significant real estate holdings worth millions and dozens of employees. The Fellowship also has a clear leader in the person of Doug Coe, and their records are archived at Wheaton College’s Billy Graham Library. Yet publicly the Fellowship claims not to exist as an organization. Followers insist they are a ‘movement,’ a ‘vision,’ a ‘family,’ a ‘network of brothers,’ but they tend to downplay and even deny the existence of the Fellowship as a legal entity.”

Daniel writes that Fellowship members downplay and deny that the Fellowship’s primary goal is to evangelize wealthy and powerful men. There are frequent reminders that the Fellowship is a cross section of the Kingdom of God and that it’s for everyone, though according to Sharlet, “you don’t ask to join, you’re recommended.”

“People can only make choices based on their range of knowledge. They use concepts to base their reality and can’t understand the importance of something like this. [The Family’s secrecy] completely blinds people of their capacity to understand what’s going on,” Bradburn-Ruster says.
Political Role Models

Furthering his stance upon The Family, Sharlet drew attention to the group’s leader, Douglas Coe. In a report by NBC News Correspondent, Andrea Mitchell, Coe is shown on video expressing admiration for Nazi Dictator Adolph Hitler and the dedication of Chinese soldiers to the People’s Republic of China.

“I’ve seen pictures of young men in the Red Guard of China. They would bring in this young man’s mother and father, lay her on the table with a basket on the end, he would take an axe and cut her head off. They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of the mother, father, brother, sister, their own life. That was a covenant; a pledge. That was what Jesus said,” Coe states on the video.

“We were being taught the leadership lessons of Hitler, Lenin, and Mao. I would say, isn’t there a problem with that and they would even seem perplexed by the question. Hitler’s genocide really wasn’t an issue for them; it was the strength he emulated.” Sharlet stated.
Questionable Support

The Family has ties within every country on the globe and supports powerful leaders within them without discrimination, Sharlet states in an email.

In the interview with Newsweek, Kuo stated that, “the Fellowship’s reach into governments around the world is almost impossible to overstate or even grasp.”
Dictators, liberators, CEO’s, presidents and social nobodies; as long as the person in question has power, the Family will support them through the name of Jesus, Sharlet stated in the email.

Among the supported is former Salvadoran Gen. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova, who in 2002 was found accountable for the torture of thousands of civilians in the 1980s. Also assisted was Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, former head of the Honduran armed forces who was linked to a death squad and the CIA before his death. Another despot the Family has lend a hand to is one of the century's most murderous dictators, Indonesian Gen. Suharto, Sharlet states in the Harpers article, “Jesus Plus Nothing.”

In a rare interview by Doug Coe, the Los Angeles Times quotes him addressing this issue stating that, "the people that are involved in this association of people around the world are the worst and the best, some are total despots. Some are totally religious. You can find what you want to find."
Corruption of Power

“[The Family] completely corrupts the congressional process. It is entirely divorced from the political process because they can justify whatever they do in politics by stating that God has chosen them,” Bradburn-Ruster states.

“Some of it feels like the worst kind of Nominalism. Where they are using the words of Jesus to make some people obscenely rich and justify mass slaughter,” Bradburn-Ruster said.

Sharlet writes that in 1979, the former Nixon aide and Watergate felon Charles W. Colson, born again through the guidance of the Family and the ministry of, Thomas L. Phillips, CEO of arms manufacturer Raytheon, estimated the Family's strength at 20,000. The number of "dedicated associates" around the world is smaller, around 350 as of 2009.

“[Michael Lindsay,] a conservative sociologist at Rice University, tried to quantify their power. He surveyed some 350 leading American Christian politicians. The Family got more votes as the most influential group in Washington than any other,” Sharlet said through email.

According to Bradburn-Ruster, “it’s profoundly dangerous. The people in the Family are not accountable; there is no system of checks and balances. They are absolutely convinced of their righteousness and it allows them to eliminate people and cultures to support a power system by using the word Fundamentalism or Jesus.”