Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A lone blade of grass stood defiantly against the ensuing tempest,

Wisps of green defiance are slowly peeled away by the blades unpleasant guest,

Soon nothing remains but a detestable shallow stalk,

Grey and barren it no longer stood pretentious and rebellious, but humble and subordinate,

The deafening gale easily lifted the blade of grass from it's rooted home in the filthy dirt road,

To tear this wretched soul apart was the storms goal,

Ferocious lies of hope and wishes shred the blade until it explodes and rains down upon the world,

Unable to look beyond troubled times the grass lost it's defiant nature in the battle for life,

Chasing the day it would regain it's boisterous self,

The tempest continues to tear across the unearthly plains of the abyss,

Destroying every lone soul in it's path,

The gale only fuels its unbridled wrath,

Left to rot in the settling dust,

Disfigured and distraught in the aftermath of that ever powerful gust,

The shattered grey blade of grass regained it's hope,

Then passed from this life to the next,

As it's seeds defiantly began to grow.

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